I will gladly take on that role, with the best cult ever! I think going from a place of being in charge of so many others to now only solely focusing on me has been a great adjustment. I’ve got to get on the Sara bandwagon!
Seasonal Depression was so real for me I had to leave my friends and sell my store because I could not imagine going through another Madison winter. It was hard but allowed me to see and experience new places. And I think you are doing fine in the March Madness in Las Vegas Cult. Heck, I was going to appoint you VP in charge of floor seating.
I am the same way - once I’m passed something (a year, a house, a phase), I’m OVER it. I think it’s completely reasonable to flip that calendar page and not look back!
Loved seeing Fr Rohr amongst your reading - I could read and ponder his wisdom for ages!! I’ve been meaning to reading Cultish forever, too.
Thank you for another amazing playlist - perfect for wintering!!
Same on RR, I feel he’s the highlight of New Mexico. More on that in a post I’m working on for February. Breathing Under Water is one of his works that helped me come to terms with the 12 steps. Just a brilliant human.
Same on RR, I feel he’s the highlight of New Mexico. More on that in a post I’m working on for February. Breathing Under Water is one of his works that helped me come to terms with the 12 steps. Just a brilliant human.
I will gladly take on that role, with the best cult ever! I think going from a place of being in charge of so many others to now only solely focusing on me has been a great adjustment. I’ve got to get on the Sara bandwagon!
Seasonal Depression was so real for me I had to leave my friends and sell my store because I could not imagine going through another Madison winter. It was hard but allowed me to see and experience new places. And I think you are doing fine in the March Madness in Las Vegas Cult. Heck, I was going to appoint you VP in charge of floor seating.
" But next stop, Vegas please
It's always just around the corner or you're
On your way to somewhere
That is bigger or better
If you could only get there
It's never your fault, you can't start your
Own winning streak" Sara Bareilles
I am the same way - once I’m passed something (a year, a house, a phase), I’m OVER it. I think it’s completely reasonable to flip that calendar page and not look back!
Loved seeing Fr Rohr amongst your reading - I could read and ponder his wisdom for ages!! I’ve been meaning to reading Cultish forever, too.
Thank you for another amazing playlist - perfect for wintering!!
Same on RR, I feel he’s the highlight of New Mexico. More on that in a post I’m working on for February. Breathing Under Water is one of his works that helped me come to terms with the 12 steps. Just a brilliant human.
Yes! And his book Universal Christ was - ironically enough - key in helping me release religion in my life!
Same on RR, I feel he’s the highlight of New Mexico. More on that in a post I’m working on for February. Breathing Under Water is one of his works that helped me come to terms with the 12 steps. Just a brilliant human.
I love your blatant honesty! thanks for being in my world!
Thank you for reading and commenting! I appreciate you!